Friday, April 25, 2008


"If you've ever wanted to know how to gain 6 years worth of muscle in just 6 months, then this important letter will change your life forever..."
For the first time ever, The Musclehead comes forward to reveal the truth about how to turn your body into a muscle building, fat burning machine. And he doesn't care who he pisses off...

From: The Musclehead
Dear Future Stud,
Let me ask you a question or two. Are you truly happy with your current body? Could you look me in the eye and tell me that there is nothing you would change, if you had the chance?
Could you look me in the eye and tell me you are satisfied with the level of attention you get from the ladies?
Are you the guy who walks into a room and instantly commands respect and admiration from men?
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you got too much attention from women? If you got instant respect from men, without even opening your mouth?
Well, let me tell you from personal experience that loads of attention from women and respect from men is exactly what happens when you build a body you are not only happy with, but proud of.
Some people would say that you'd become a new man, but that's not true. You'd still be the same person, only like a supercharged version of yourself. All of a sudden, you'll find that the things that used to hold you back vanish into thin air.
You'll feel like you're ready to take on the world and nothing will be able to stop you. When you sign up today, you won't just be turning your body into a sculpted and muscular physique of Godlike proportions, you'll be making the first step into a brand new life.
And you'll do it so easily and quickly, all your friends will be sure you're on steroids...

Now, why don't I introduce myself? My name's the Musclehead. Ok, so it's not the name I was born with, nor is it the name that my friends use. I'll explain in a minute why I'm using it but for the moment, just accept it. If you met me in real life, you'd probably think that I'm rude, arrogant, loud and way too confident.
Signup For My FREE Muscle Building Course
I'll give you:
The very workout I used to gain 22lbs of muscle in under a month..
The exact diet I used to do it...
10 of the best meals to build muscle and burn fat... my entire muscle building system, broken down into 10 easy to understand lessons...

"Thank you for all your advise mate needed some advise to bulk up before i went back into the navy. All the help has been well recieved. I'm now built like a brick shithouse (compared on how i used 2 be ) and my ego is larger than life cheers m8" - Matt Waller, Australia
You can unsubscribe at any time and I promise to never, ever send you spam. I hate viagra emails as much as you.
And you'd be right. I'm the guy you secretly stare at when you're in the gym.
I'm the guy you're secretly jealous of. You envy me and hate me all at the same time.
Well guess what? I don't care what you think because deep down I know you want to be just like me. And who could blame you?
My life is truly awesome. I'm the guy that other guys look up to with envy. I'm the guy who women want to be with. I'm the man.
But it wasn't always like that...

Oh no, I certainly wasn't born with these traits. Back when I was younger, life sucked. I definitely wasn't the man back then. Being a chubby guy all my life didn't do any favors for my self esteem. Other guys walked all over me.
It was like they could sense that I was weak and then exploited it to the max.
And as for girls, the only time I ever got to speak to any of them was when they needed help with their maths. Being an out of shape guy meant that I didn't even show up on their radar.And I don't have to tell you how this made me feel.

And damn I was jealous of all the buff guys in my school. They seemed to have all the fun. They were treated like Gods by the other guys and they got so much attention from girls that it made me sick to the stomach. So you can probably understand that eventually I said to myself "If you can't beat em, join em!".
I can still remember the tipping point for me. I was in a department store, heading up an escalator. I was surrounded by long, clear mirrors on both sides. So as I looked to my left, I saw my flabby, feminine looking body and quickly turned to look the other way. But then I saw another reflection in the right hand mirror.
I felt like I was trapped at staring at my pathetic body. I had no choice but to really give it a good look. And I didn't like what I saw. I felt sick. And it was at this point I made a decision that would change my life forever. I was going to figure out how to get a Godlike physique and I didn't care what I had to do, what it cost me. I just knew I had to change.

So I did everything I could possibly think of.
I joined a gym and spoke to the gym instructors but found them to be really lacking in knowledge. So much for that idea...
I looked around on the internet for free advice on how to build a perfect body. But all I found was a bunch of disorganised dribble. I bought up every book by every "reputable" author I could find and ended up scratching my head as the authors just seemed to go around in a circle contradicting each other.
Most of the information out there will destroy more muscle than actually building it up. But don't just take my word for it. Grab a muscle magazine and follow their advice for a couple of months. I guarantee you'll be back here, maybe even in a worse off position than you are right now.
So after failing to find the right information, I went looking for the magic pill. Maybe you've seen ads for these "Steroid Like" products. I bought every magic pill I could get my chubby little hands on. If you've already tried some magic pills, you'll already know the truth that 99% of them are absolute garbage.
Jake understood this and used the principles I teach to add 22lbs of muscle and drop his body fat by 5% in just 12 weeks...
hey MH,
Well.. where to start? THE MUSCLEHEAD'S GUIDE ROCKS! But seriously.. I've been a hard gainer all my life. I started working out as a teenager in high school and kept at it into my college years. I've never had problems with gaining strength but my worst nightmare was trying to gain muscle mass!
My refrigerator took a beating from opening and closing the door - I ate that much. Still, I could never overcome my light weight. About a year ago my friend came across your guide and had mentioned it to me. I had a look at the sales page and to be quite honest, I wasn't very impressed and decided it was just another typical, regurgitated e-book by some random guy trying to make a buck or two.
Well, as the weeks passed I took notice of my buddy who seemed to be getting increasingly larger with each day and finally worked up the nerve to ask him if he was taking steroids. He laughed and asked me if I remembered that "ebook website" he emailed me those few short weeks ago. That's all it took.
I bit the bullet and bought your course and haven't looked back since. The knowledge I've gained has been invaluable to me.
12 weeks after following your techniques I had gained 22 pounds and went from 15% to 10.5% body fat which was an incredible accomplishment for me since I had gone years working out without any success gaining muscle mass.
Now guess who's being accused of taking steroids? THANK YOU!

Seeing what Jake was able to do is enough for me, Sign Me Up!
It's a sad situation, but the truth is that most supplement companies are just in the game to take your cash from you. They don't care one little bit about your results.
Being a college student, this process just about sent me broke. And while I didn't get any results from this portion of my learning experience, I'd do it all again if I had the choice, because what I gained from this journey far outweighed any amount of money that I wasted on rubbish books and supplements.
And so eventually I was exhausted by my search. I was at the end of my tether when I stumbled across the "holy grail" of muscle building. I always laugh when I call it the "holy grail", because the truth of the matter is, it's all REALLY simple.
There are a few basic principles that my system works on. And since their all based on how your body works, if you actually apply them, your body has no choice but to grow. You see, some of the things that have allowed us humans to survive as long as we have can also help you build huge amounts of muscle.
After I stopped following idiotic advice and applied my new found principles, I began to notice some changes within just a few weeks. And after 3 months, I was unstoppable.
" My biceps were nearly bursting through my shirts, my chest was broad and I'd lost so much fat that my abs had finally begun to reveal themselves after hiding under my fat since birth. "
And I wasn't the only person to notice. At first I wasn't even aware of it, but then I realized that people treated me differently. Men no longer treated me like a second class male. Something about my new physique screamed "Don't mess with this guy". I only had to enter a room to instantly have respect. It was something I'd never felt before and let me tell you, it was frickin' awesome!
John may not be a man of many words, but he surely understands the feeling I'm talking about...
I would like to thank you for all of the advice and tips that u have given to me . Ii follow it and supprisingly I was able to gain 15 lbs of pure muscle in just 6 weeks and burned all of my fat from 8% down to 5% and IM LOVING IT thank you.
John Tran

And that wasn't even the best bit. While getting respect from men is a great thing, it didn't even compare to what began to happen with women...
It seemed that wherever I went, I noticed women ogling me. It wasn't the type of ogling that you do when you're at the beach, women do it in a much more subtle fashion. At first I thought it was a combination of imagination and wishful thinking, but then I began to notice it happening more and more often. I always thought this would feel awesome...
And I was right!
I went from not even being able to hold eye contact with a girl, to being able to confidently walk up to any woman and grab her number. Just as a warning, if you do go and change your body the way I hope you do, expect to get a LOT more attention from women.
Whether it's just an "accidental" bump, or a more brazen squeeze of your bicep, women just won't leave you alone. It took a close friend to explain this to me. You see, this is because muscles trigger an unconscious response of attraction in women. This is because a man with muscles is going to be strong and healthy, which means he is able to protect her from other men etc etc.
Now while this may not be so true today, it was back in the caveman days, when picking up girls literally meant picking her up and throwing her over your shoulder.
"The guy with the muscles could protect her and over thousands of years, this has been hard wired into womens brains..."
Anyway, back to my story. It wasn't long after all this stuff happened (3 or so months after applying my system) that a lot of my friends had begun to ask "How the hell did you do this? Can you teach me?". And I was happy to. After all, they were my friends.
But then I became a bit nervous. What if I was just a freak? What if my principles only worked on me? Maybe they won't work for everyone? But it wasn't long before my fears went right out the window. I had one skinny friend who was never able to gain weight, no matter what he tried. He had just about accepted that he was going to have to go through life skinny.
But after I put him through my training system, he managed to gain 18.5 pounds in just 2 months!
And he wasn't the only one to have a huge success. I took another friend who had always been fat and he managed to lose 12 pounds of fat, while gaining 8 pounds of muscle! All in just over 6 weeks!
After word got around about those two guys, I became the go-to guy in my social group for body transformations. It was a really fulfilling time, but after a while it got really repetitive. You see, it didn't really matter on the particular person, I was basically saying the same stuff to each person.
I felt like a broken record and knew I had to do something about it...
I realized I needed to be able to say "Go here, do this, problem solved". It needed to be easy to follow and accessible to everyone. I also knew that I didn't want to become famous or have people google me and find out that I'm some muscle building "guru" (I hate that word).
So now I have the best of both worlds, being able to help people around the world achieve the physiques they've always dreamed of, yet still remain anonymous.
I don't need to hear any more, I want to order right now!

And so, The Musclehead was born!
"As an author of health and fitness books as well as a celebrity fitness trainer, I have come across dozens and dozens of weight loss and building muscle programs. Musclehead's website may come across as arrogant but after reviewing his muscle building program, he certainly knows what he is talking about. This is the most concise and effective step by step program that I have ever come across."
Chris ChewAuthor of Burn Fat Build Muscles System and Celebrity fitness

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm lazy. REALLY LAZY. When I set my mind on achieving something, I want to get it done with the least amount of effort.
I certainly didn't want to have to get a PhD in Human Movement just to understand how to build a Godlike Physique. And if I was you, I'd want a step-by-step guide on how to build the body of your dreams and THAT'S IT. No fluff, no filler, just the information that you need.
While other muscle "gurus" (there's that word again) will offer you manuals with thousands of pages of dribble (Mostly useless theory anyway), I'm not going to do that. You know you have to work out, you know you have to eat in a certain way. I've written 121 pages that is going to show you exactly how to do both of those things, plus more...
I've designed this cutting edge package with you in mind, so that you'll get results so fast your friends will be screaming "Steroids!". You can download the package immediately and start applying it right away. It couldn't be any simpler.
It doesn't matter if you're a skinny guy trying to gain weight or a fat guy who just can't seem to get his abs to show, this system has been designed to transform all physiques, regardless of where you're at right now.
"As an actor and model I know the importance of having a great physique. Without a doubt having a muscular build and looking fit is the single best thing you can do to improve your life.
One day I realized that I wish I used the four years I spent going to college, learning about fitness and working out instead. After transforming from a 160lb. hard gainer to a 180lb. lean muscle machine everything changed.
I got a promotion at my job, got the girl I always wanted (and others) without even trying, had more confidence and fun in life, and started being treated better by people in general. Do yourself a favor and follow The Musclehead program.
If you don't know what your doing you can waste a lot of time, leading to frustration, a lack of results, and worse a loss of the committment to be in excellent shape. The Musclehead books make it easy for you. Print the books, read them and follow the program.
Without a doubt YOU WILL be able to follow proper form (super important for rookies), maintain a proper diet, and know what excercises to do for the ultimate physique. I cannot recommend this program enough.
Just try it for two months and if you follow the program you will absolutely agree that you made the best improvement to your lifestyle. Stop wasting time and just do it. If you don't think you're a gym guy just think about that girl you always wanted, and the fit guy that you know she wants instead of you.
Most Americans are out of shape, so being fit will make you stand out even more. There really is nothing to lose."
Tony "Wetcat" Tavarez, Actor and Fitness Model, USA

So here's what I'm offering:

The Musclehead's Guide to a Godlike Physique 2.0
This is the industry shaking book that started it all. It's my first ever book and I'm certainly no Shakespeare, so it's bound to have some flaws. If you read for style or literary quality, this might not be the book for you. But there are paragraphs in this book - ideas in this book - whole chapters in this book that I've never had the balls to put down on paper before.

The Archive of Exercises Video Series
Performing exercises with proper form is an essential part of building your dream physique. In this video series, I'm going to show you exactly how to perform all the exercises I think are worthwhile. If running around in pink tights waving 5lb dumbbells in the air is your idea of an exercise, prepared to be blown away.
These aren't the exercises that you see every day. Well, some of them will be, but I'm yet to find someone who's gone through these videos and not learnt something. I cover all the bases here, no body part is left out.

Want to know the best exercises for building mountain like biceps?
What about the top exercises for building a broad, thick chest?
Abs anyone? You won't have any excuses for not having a 6 pack after reading about my 2 favorite ab exercises...
Seriously, after you've watched all these videos, you'll be the one instructing the instructors at your gym.
I've even added some commentary on all the videos to clarify what's going on and to also help you avoid common mistakes. This alone will turn you into the guy at the gym that EVERYONE watches...

The Archive of Exercises Ebook
For those of who you are bandwidth challenged, I've also got an ebook to show you exactly how to perform all the exercises that you should be performing. There are several high quality pictures of each exercise, plus written explanations to help clarify exactly what's going on.

The Musclehead's Workout Guide
While in the main ebook, I explain exactly how to structure a perfect workout, I know you're probably lazy. You don't want to actually use your brain. And that's not a problem, because with The Musclehead's Workout Guide, all you have to do is print it out and do exactly what it says. It's written in plain English, so if you can understand this sentence, you'll be able to implement the workout 100%.
This program will last you just short of 6 months, which is more than enough time to build a truly spectacular body. If you've ever been worried about what to do when you step inside the gym, this will put all your worries to bed. Every single workout is planned. You'll be able to walk into the gym and people around you will notice that you are a man on a mission.

The Musclehead's Guide to Building Muscle While Living a Kickass College Lifestyle
I realise that a lot of college students have the same problem. They want to both build a Godlike Physique and party their asses off. And while the two aren't a great mix, I'm going to show you how to maximise both! Not to mention show you how to build muscle on the cheap plus a sneaky way to earn a bit of cash while in college, that more people should be doing.

The Musclehead's Checklist for Success
Spending a lot of my time coaching people to success has shown me that there are a bunch of things that all my successful students have done. And also, there are things that unsuccessful students haven't managed to do. So I've compiled a heap of them here for your convenience.
Just print the one sheet of paper off your computer and stick it on your wall. When you've done one of the things on the list, just tick it off. When you've ticked off all the components, you'll know that you simply cannot fail and that you're on the road to success.

The Musclehead's Workout Generator
This is part 1 of 3 of my brand new muscle building software. While my workout guide will last you around 6 months, I'm sure that once you get started, you won't want to stop your journey. So what I've done is create some software that will spit out workouts based on your goals, your experience, even what exercises you want to perform.
Just take a few seconds to plug in your preferences and let the software do it's magic. You'll be presented with a handy page that is designed so you can print it off and take it to the gym with you. It's like an unlimited, custom version of the workout guide.

The Musclehead's Diet Generator
Eating is one of the most important and also difficult parts of building a great body. What to eat? When to eat? How much to eat? Those are just some of the questions I answer in my ebook. But I haven't provided any diets. Why? It's because everyone is different.
I couldn't possibly come up with a diet that will be perfect for everyone. So I've created some software that will take your personal details, your goals, your preferences and output a diet that will be perfectly suited to you and your goals.
Never again will you have to worry about what to eat. If you choose, you can plan out your meals forever. The software will give you easy to print stuff that shows you exactly what to eat, when to eat it and also gives the macronutrient breakdown of each meal.

The Musclehead's Tracking and Measurement Software
The final installment of my software package, I will soon be separating all parts of this and charging a monthly fee to access it. But for the moment, it all comes with a lifetime license with my whole system. But anyway, if you don't already know, tracking and measuring is an extremely important part of building muscle.
If you don't know what you're doing is working or not, then you can't make changes accordingly. This is where the software comes in. It allows you to track your workouts, your body measurements, your diet, your body fat and even allows you to continually upload pictures so you can see a slideshow of your journey. There is no better way to truly see how far you've come.
3 Life Line Cards
Even though I'm 100% confident that my package contains all the information you could possibly want, I know that sometimes people have doubts. So when you grab my entire package, I'm going to throw in 3 life line cards. Whenever you have a problem you need sorted, or have some random questions, you just email me and I'll sort it out right away.
I'll make sure that your problem is completely solved, regardless of how many times we have to go back and forth. I've yet to have a question I couldn't answer or a muscle building problem that I couldn't solve, so make sure you try to challenge me.
These emails get my attention right away. While I simply cannot answer every email I get from non-customers, I pride myself on answering customer emails within 24 hours.
But don't listen to me, here's what one happy camper had to say about the level of support I provide...
hey MH,
This is the most personal support I have ever come across. If you fail w/the muscleheads advice the blame is on you for not doing the exercises and following the proper technique shown in the full page illustrations with examples of the exercise and text in simple terms.
The exercises, technique tips and the email follow-up from the Musclehead make it easy.
Thanks Musclehead!
Paul DeFrancesGreenville, SC, USA

Unlimited Updates
This is the second version of my package now. I'm continually adding things to make it just a little bit better. I believe in continual improvement in all areas of my life, so this package is no different. Some of the things you see above are already addons that were requested by members.
So if after buying this package, you have an idea for a special report, some software, whatever, just whip off a quick email and let me know. If I think enough people will benefit from it, I'll get it done. I'm in this for the long haul, so I don't mind putting in a little more work if it gives you an even better shot at success.
And just to prove that I'm not full of it, here's what one of my successful clients has to say:
"The Musclehead contacted me about what I wanted and what I was looking for in his new and improved ebook, and he actually listened to what I had to say. I was looking for a way to work out and fit my lifestyle, and he took the time to try to work with my needs to fully excel in my progress." - Brandon Giddens, USA
Business Partner Opportunity
Yes, that's right. By buying my system, you become an instant business partner. I'm going to offer you the chance to make money just by telling people about it. I've had some customers join and almost instantly make back their investment. If you only told two friends, you could end up making 150% of what you actually paid. I really hope I don't have to explain how much this could be worth to you...
So that's how the system looks. As you can see, it comes with everything you could possibly want. The only thing I'm not throwing in is the long stick you'll need to beat away all the women who want to rip your clothes off...
With all those tools at my disposal, I know I can't fail. I'm a man of action so let me order already!
"I get asked to review programs like these day in day out, and I try togive them a the most thorough unbiased review I can. I use strictguidelines and I don't give the top rating willy nilly, in fact this isonly the 2nd program I have given one to, if you have read one of myreviews you will know what I am talking about.So you can believe me when I say, if you are looking for a program thatwill guide you hand in hand all the way to building the body you want, theMusclehead's Guide is certainly one of the best I've seen.Like anything you have to work hard to achieve in life, but it is made aheck of a lot easier with the Musclehead's Guide. Check it out and followthe program through and you will be seeing gains in no time."Wesley

And here are just a few of the things you will learn...
How a simple decision you need to make before you enter any gym can mean the difference between success and failure (And how to ensure that you're making the right decision...) Pg 1How something I picked up off ancient Romans can be applied to muscle building (Hint: It was something that enabled them to build one of the greatest empires ever. And best yet, it only takes an instant to implement this!) Pg 14 Why you must leave your ___ at the door. Or face the consequences... (When one of my friends made this mistake, he severely injured himself, leaving him unable to workout for months. And he was lucky it wasn't worse...) Pg 18Why you need to understand that all muscle fibres aren't the same (Get these two mixed up and you'll end up looking like a Kenyan marathon runner) Pg 20How to tell which of the 3 body types you are and what you need to do about it (Each type requires a completely different diet, so if you get this wrong you will most likely end up going backwards. But don't worry, I give you a fool proof method of finding out where you stand.) Pg 2The truth about "The 2 H's" of muscle building and which one you should be focusing all your effort on (The truth is that one of these has been proven to make you look muscular, the other is only a theory. But which is which?)The four hormones that will make or break you (And how you can make sure you increase the good ones and decrease the bad ones. It's amazing how many people do the opposite...) Pg 32The single most important idea when it comes to muscle building (And the amazing part is that most people don't even understand it, which means you'll instantly be in the top 5% of gym goers) Pg 33 How to train less than 90% of all gym junkies, yet still grow so fast people accuse you of being on steroids! (One of the most common errors I see is people doing TOO much work inside the gym) Pg 38 Why you should only spend between __ and __ minutes in the gym at a time (If you workout outside this "zone", you risk literally poisoning your muscles) Pg 39 How to know if an exercise is a proven muscle builder or a complete dud (I've made this so simple a kindergarten kid could work it out) Pg 48The only repetition range you should ever use (I laugh when I hear most guys tell me the "best" rep range to use) Pg 34 The correct way to actually move the weights (With some people saying super slow and other people saying explosive, how can you really be sure you know? I explain it all in a single paragraph) Pg 60How to instantly find out how much weight you should be using for each exercise (Forget guessing, you are losing way too much muscle doing that. If you want to build maximum muscle, you need to be lifting the correct weight. Not too heavy, but not too light) Pg 35How to avoid being "that guy" in your gym (Don't know who "that guy" is? Maybe it's already you...) Pg 68The three keys to picking a beneficial training partner (95% of guys pick the wrong training partner and it shows...) Pg 71How one friend made one nutritional mistake and it caused him to quit for good (And how you can learn from his mistake) Pg 76 The real deal about protein. How much is really enough? (I wish all the forum warriors could read this one) Pg 81How to fully utilise carbohydrates as part of a proper nutritional plan (Screw this up and your muscles will shrink and your fat cells will reproduce like rabbits) Pg 82 How you can force your body to dump loads of fresh testosterone into your body, just by eating fat (And it won't cause you to get any fatter either, in fact, the opposite will happen...) Pg 83How alcohol really affects muscle gain and fat storage and what I tell people when they ask me if they should be drinking (And why my answer is never the same) Pg 85My incredibly simple 3-step method for calculating exactly how much you need to eat each day (This applies to every body, every time! No exceptions) Pg 87The exact foods you need to eat and the foods you need to stay right away from! (This alone is the difference between looking like me or Homer Simpson) Pg 91
How my "racist" rule can help you work out which ___ to choose from Pg 94 How to calculate the correct macronutrient ratio for you (All other formulas work for the general population, but this has been designed just for you) Pg 100
Why most people eat like slaves and how you must change this if you ever want to develop true muscularity (Warning: You may feel a little bit angry after reading the truth about this one) Pg 78
How to turn your body into a fat burning furnace and turbo charge your metabolism (Ever wonder how those Mens Health models always manage to stay shredded? This is how...) Pg 101
The 2 most crucial times to eat and why the normal rules don't apply then (Hint: Dinner and lunch aren't either of these two...) Pg 102
Why metrics just might be the most important concept in this entire book (If you only read one thing, make sure it's this) Pg 104
How to truly tell if you're on your way, or just wasting time (Stop guessing and leaving your results to chance. I'm going to show you exactly how to pin point with military precision what's causing your results and more importantly, how to avoid failure...) Pg 106
My fool proof method for working out if your current diet is doing it's job (This is the best way to work out what's going on with YOUR metabolism...) Pg 105
The honest to God truth about the supplement industry (My lawyer thinks this section alone will buy him a new Mercedes...) Pg 109
Why you can't trust major publications when it comes to building muscle Pg 108
The exact supplements that I use myself and when you should use them too (Some supplements are actually handy, I show you which ones and how they can boost your muscle gains by 10%) Pg 110
How to spot a dodgy supplement from miles away and save your cash (This tip alone is worth at least 5x the cost of this course) Pg 113
How I've busted the top 6 muscle building myths (I'm not going to apologise if you feel stupid after reading this stuff) Pg 115
And that's only the tip of the iceberg...
I show you exactly how I've done it, so you can get the same results. Some of the things I'm going to teach you are so simple that you'll want to drop a barbell on your neck for not thinking them up yourself. The principles I teach force your body to react in such a way that they have no choice but to grow.
Forget your "hard gainer" genetics or your "Always gonna have man boobs" genetics. With my system, you'll forget all about your genetics because you'll be too busy enjoying your new body and the life that goes with it.
Just like Neil from Australia...
Hi Musclehead, I'm 5 weeks into the second cycle of your program. I have been a bit concerned as this cycle is different from anything I've ever done. Anyhow I've experienced significant progress, having been in the gym all year I feel like I'm really getting somewhere now. My deadlift has gone from 100kg to 140 kg, my bench press from 70kg to 80kg and before the Musclehead program I was only able to do about three or four dips, now I can do 8-10. The most rewarding thing for me by far is that over the last few weeks I've started to get a lot of comments about how I look. They include "you've really bulked up," "you're a pretty big unit," "you do have an arse," and finally "you have a great body." Being naturally skinny these comments are really appreciated. Having put on 10kg, I'm really excited about where the Musclehead program can take me. Best Wishes NeilMelbourne, Australia

If you can't get results with this program, then I advise you to seriously go see a doctor as you most likely have a medical problem...
Now, before you read any further, I want you to do one thing for me. Visualise yourself 6 months after applying my system. You wake up in the morning, jump out of bed, glance over at the gorgeous woman in your bed and think "Wow". You then walk into the bathroom and notice your reflection in the mirror. And damn you look good. You flex your biceps a few times and then head off to work, where you've been promoted several times, since you are now "the man". You then look back at the old you and laugh.
Now, visualise yourself 6 months from now, without applying any of the things I'm going to teach you. You get up in the morning and realize that you've spent yet another night alone. You avoid looking at yourself in the mirror because you're ashamed of how you look. And then you go off to work, unsatisfied with your job, but without the courage to make a change.
Did you notice how you felt in both of those situations? This was only a short exercise, can you imagine if you felt like that all the time? And can you imagine what you're missing out on if you don't make a change?
Here's one guy who had the courage to take this knowledge and run with it...
Wow! Tomorrow is my last workout in "Phase II" of your "Musclehead's Guide" and I'm stoked. I really want to kick ass before the one week hiatus before "Phase III". As I'm sure you know, the third weekly workout in Phase II is Triceps, etc... (Since July 1st of this year my bench has gone up 100 pounds! From 165lbs to 265lbs) No kidding. And by-the-way that's "working out" weight, not just a "one time" max. So that's what -- like just over three months following the Musclehead's Guide.
Needless to say, my wife thinks I'm a total stud in bed and my friends have suddenly started calling me "Big Guy" -- and, oh, yeah I can fit into clothes I haven't worn in years. And mind you, I eat what I want (plenty of steak and tuna and chicken -- what's not to love about that?!) So how is it that at 220lbs I felt like crap and my back hurt whereas now at 225 I have a six-pack and feel ten years younger? The Musclehead's Guide to a Godlike Physique is why! Thank you, All!
I recommend the Musclehead's Guide to a Godlike Physique to every aspiring weakling I meet at the gym. In fact, I listen to what the "house pro trainer" (who they pay fifty-bucks-an-hour-for) and i know I could teach them better, just from what I've learned from you! I bought this for myself on my 36th birthday on July 1st as a birthday present to myself -- and boy, was it the best one I got because: THIS SHIT WORKS! Thanks Guys, Andrew Bates, USA

I now want to ask you a very important question...
What would you be willing to pay for your dream physique? To be able to walk down the street without a shirt, confident in who you are. Able to take on the world and win. To have men envy you and women desire you.
Seriously, what would you pay? 10 grand? 20 grand? That may sound like a lot, but if you actually think about what it's worth, how it would make you feel, I'm sure you'd agree that it's not extreme at all. After all, there are plenty of people who spend that kind of money on steroids and surgery. And both of those things have temporary effects, what I'm offering is permanent.
So what does my system actually cost?
Well, let's take a look at what it's not going to cost you. If you were to hire a personal trainer, just 3 times a week for an entire year, it would end up costing you: $7800. And chances are, that guy doesn't even know half the things I do.
Maybe you could go out and buy up a years supply of all the latest and greatest supplements. If you were only taking 3 different sorts of supplements (And that's not excessive for some people at all) then over a year you could expect to pay: $2160. And of course, you would end up in the same position you are now, except that your wallet will be lighter.
Or.... maybe you could go and subscribe to all the coolest bodybuilding magazines. A years subscription to some of these magazines costs: $432. And after reading all of this nonsense, you'd probably end up worse off than you are now.
So, you could end up spending $10392 and get no results, or you could grab a copy of my entire system today for a fraction of that and end up with the body of your dreams.
Lets have a look at the cost of my entire package if you were to buy it separately:
The Musclehead's Guide to a Godlike Physique 2.0 $97
The Archive of Exercises Video Series $67
The Archive of Exercises ebook $29
The Musclehead's Workout Guide $29
The Musclehead's College Guide $19
The Musclehead's Checklist for Success $19
The Musclehead's Workout Generator $97
The Musclehead's Diet Generator $97
The Musclehead's Tracking and Measurement Software $97
3 Life Line Cards $300 (I charge $100 for email consultations)
Unlimited Updates $197
Business Partner Opportunity Priceless
Total Value of Package $1048
I used to actually sell this for $197, but you won't be paying that much today. You see, there is a reason I'm offering you a special price today. While I have tons of happy customers who have sent me written testimonials, I am really lacking photo and audio testimonials.
So if you agree to buy my system today at the special price, you agree to sending me your own testimonial once you have reached your goals, whatever they may be. I'm not going to force you to do it, but I'm going to ask for your word as a gentleman. That's all.
I've had people tell me that $197 was way too cheap, so I guess they're going to think that I've completely lost my mind when I say I'm going to offer you the whole system (lifetime licenses for all the software too) for $77.
If you take a moment to think about it, $77 is a drop in the ocean compared to the feelings you will get from your transformed physique. The confidence, the girls, the respect. Would you pay $77 for all of that?
I realize $77 is a bargain and it won't be around forever, so sign me up already!
Jon paid more than that, let's see what he has to say about it all...
Dear Musclehead, My name is Jon and I am 17. I have recently purchased the musclehead package over the internet. I am so fed up with being the little guy of the group and being skinny, so I decided to look around for the best and most trustworthy information on how to build muscle and gain weight.
I found many sites that had huge numbers of pages and technical vocabulary that explained "how to get big". After wasting my time reading these other pages of stuff that I wasn't even sure I could believe, I came across something called The Musclehead's Guide to Godlike Physique. Now I'm no scientist or bodybuilding expert, but after reading what the Musclehead had to say, I was so relieved and happy to have found something and someone who talked my language, my terms on how to gain weight and build muscle.
No more 1000 page books to read through, no more technical words to look up in the dictionary. Everything was explained so literally and easy to understand. I don't want to sound like I'm sucking up so I'll leave it at that, but all I can say is thank you Musclehead, for helping me and encouraging me to reach my goals and become a better person.
Jon Rouselle, USA
But what if my system doesn't work for you? What if you apply everything and it doesn't give you the body you desire?
Well, not only will I refund your money, but I'll also give you $100 US as my way of saying "sorry for wasting your time".
Try it out for 8 weeks and if you aren't well on your way to a traffic stopping physique, then just whip off a quick email to me and I'll make sure your hard earned cash is promptly returned, no questions asked.
And if you can prove to me that you have applied everything I teach, yet you still haven't got results, then I will personally send you $100 US. I can afford to do this because I am 100% confident that what I'm teaching works. I'd be living on the street if it didn't...
Alright, so I'm just about done, congratulations for getting this far. The ball is now in your court. Are you going to be the guy who in 6 months, wakes up and is a changed man? Or are you going to be the guy who looks back in pain and wonders where he went wrong?
All you need to do is make a choice. If you aren't ready to take the plunge and ready yourself for the body (and life) you deserve, we shouldn't be doing business together. But I wish you luck anyway.
On the other hand, if you're sick of your body and are ready to do what's necessary in order to make a change, here's what you've gotta do.
Just below, you'll see an order button. Click on that and you'll be taken to the payment processing page. That will allow you to enter your details, at which point takes over and handles all the payments. This means that you are 100% safe, since Clickbank are one of the biggest third party payment processors on the planet.
After payment is complete, you'll be taken to a page where you can instantly download all the material, so you can begin applying my system right away. No waiting for months for a package to arrive in the mail. As well as being able to instantly apply what you've learnt, a downloadable product also means I can pass the savings onto you and you can purchase this from anywhere in the world, at any time...

Alrighty, enough from me. I've had enough of this typing thing. You know that you now have a decision to make. I've said enough, either you want this badly or you don't. Only you can make the final decision.
If you do decide to join up, make sure you drop me a line and introduce yourself. I may come across as a real jerk, but I do get a kick out of seeing other guys change themselves as I once did.
"I never worry about action. Only inaction" - Sir Winston Churchill
Yours for building Godlike Physiques,
The Musclehead
P.S Don't forget that you have the opportunity to buy this package for 60% off if you purchase right now. I can't guarantee that it will be staying like this forever and I reserve the right to revert back to $197 whenever I feel like it. This could be any day, so don't email me complaining that you missed out on the $77 offer.
P.P.SStill reading? Maybe you think I'm some kind of scam artist? Maybe you think I'm just after your money? Well maybe you didn't read my guarantee? If you can't make this system work for you, then you don't pay a cent, simple as that. The best thing you can do is order right now and start building your new body today.
Thanks for every bit of advice you have given me. I am xtremely happy with the things you have told me. I asked a lot of people but no one understood what I was asking. You are the only one who has answered me to the point.
Now all the myths that I had are clear. Now I will do exactly as you have told me and I am sure I will get what I want. I am surprised that you are giving me such a lot of information. In future if i have any queries I will ask you.
Some people have asked me questions about muscles and fitness and when I answer them so correctly they are amazed and ask me from where have I got so much knowledge, but i dont tell them that i have an expert trainer replying to my questions ;)
Will keep in touch with you, Uday Airun

I have a funny workout history. As a youngster, I had have admired people with good bodies (Hey, do not take me wrong, I am very straight). One can imagine the days of Arnolds movies. So I started lifting some borrowed weights basically without any professional guide and instruction. Even a little pop out of the bicep would make me different from my friends.
Study was one of the main factor that made me stop training. Then before I realised, I was all out of shape and with a pot belly. So I started to workout again, but as most of the people, doing most of the stuff wrongly. I wish I had access to your information since that stage.
Changes were really slow even with use of supplements and most of the time I would blame my genes for what I am. I have been training for almost past three years. I am an Indian from Fiji, an Indians mostly have pot bellies and small frames.
It has been almost four months since I have started some serious planned training. Following your instructions, keeping track of my workouts and mixing compound and simple lifting, I can feel the difference. In just these four months I progressed to bench pressing almost my body weight and squat more than body weight. Friends are complementing that there is a big change and shoulders, chest and biceps are getting in shape.
But yeh, with your guidance, I achieved alot in four months, something that was not there even after years of training. And I thank you heaps for that. My dream body is as for any healthy man, a chest, shoulder, bicep and tricep that makes you look and feel good and you are not shy to walk with a vest in the streets and a flat and if possible six packed ab. I have no intention as ever to enter any competitions or do modelling. I just wanted a good looking and toned body that everyone (especially my wife) would take time to admire.
Thanks alot for your personal approach.Ashish Kumar, Fiji

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"Thank you for all your advise mate needed some advise to
bulk up before i went back into the navy. All the help has been
well recieved. I'm now built like a brick shithouse (compared
on how i used 2 be ) and my ego is larger than life cheers m8"
- Matt Waller, Australia
You can unsubscribe at any time and I will never, ever send
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